
Monday, April 19, 2010

: Sewn Wool Felt Earth :

Earth Day is coming up in a few days...well, Earth Day is every day. So, we have decided to create a few crafts surrounding our planet, in addition to the recycle/reuse projects we have been doing. Here is one cute and thrifty project for your child to do.

My 10-year-old boy helped my pick out the thread for this Wool Felt Mother Earth. I rather sloppily cut out a circle in the blue felt and roughly cut out North and South America and pinned them to the circle. Then, my son sewed away, which is great for him because he is so high strung. This brings him to center. He focuses and relaxes, engaging his hands with his mind and imagination.
Our project has also been featured on The Crafty Crow!

Happy Earth Day to all. I hope you try and enjoy this project.

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