
Sunday, May 23, 2010

: Baking Bread with Your Children :

There is nothing like the smell of fresh baked bread filling the corners of your home on a Sunday afternoon. This is actually a new tradition we have started in our home, as we have gradually refined our weekly and daily rhythms. We were already into baking several things including pies, muffins, sweets, quick breads, and bread machine sorts. However, we have never attempted to simply go through the patient process of just baking bread. This is a wonderful thing to share with your children because it helps them appreciate the work and the numerous steps behind the creation, thus appreciating the delicious final product all the more.

Jared especially enjoyed kneading the dough, though he wasn't very fond of sticky hands...funny coming from a boy who doesn't mind being dirty all the time. He also wanted me to point out his expression of color on his pinkies and thumbs in green and blue. I am glad it hasn't occured to him to change his hair color yet :)....
Jared has never braided anything before, but I must say using bread dough creates an easy visual way to learn the concept. He watched me braid mine first, I helped him create 3 strips, and he picked up on braiding immediately. He also attemped to make shapes, but they ended up looking like little blobs or mini loaves. In addition, we also made a large loaf of our delectable sweet honey bread as a side with our chili this evening.
This recipe was delicious and easy for a first-timer. Check it out at the Mothering forum, post #4 by Wrenmoon.

Try it and let me know what you think in the comments below. Or if you have any other wonderful bread recipes you would like to share, feel free to do so. Enjoy the work and, the smell, the taste, and the comfort of homemade bread, especially when made with love and discovery by your children.

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